

Samuel Morse

  • Claude Chappe invented the non-electric telegraph in 1794
  • This was called the optical telegraph
  • In 1809 Sammuel Sommering invented a crude telegraph he invented this in Bavaria
  • The first telegraph in the USA was invented by Harrison Dyar in 1828
  • In 1825 British inventor William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet
  • Joseph Henry demonstrated the potential of William Sturegons electromagnet for long distance communication,in 1830
  • British physicists,William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone created a telegraph using the same principle of electromagnetism,in 1837
  • It was Samuel Morse who bettered Joseph Henry's invention
  • Samuel Morse's telegraph system that was a practical and commercial success
  • He proved that signals could be transmitted by wire
  • Samuel used pulses of current to deflect an electromagnet,that moved a marker to produce written codes on a strip of paper,This is called "The Morse Code"     

Written By:Morgan Brooke Lee